AptBee Mobile

by AptObject Corporation



AptBee Mobile is an application for customers to log in to the AptBee IoT Cloud System or the AptBee IoT Gateway to view and control their own sensor devices in their environment.With this App, users can browse all the latest status of their own sensor devices and to browse the historical data of each sensor send to the AptBee IoT Cloud. If there are IP cameras connect to the AptBee IoT Gateway device, users can view the live image stream in this App.To log in to the AptBee Cloud System, use the following account name and password:account name = guest2015, password = qwer1234To log in to the AptBee IoT Gaetway, you will have to use WiFi connection and your mobile device and the gateway must be in the same network.For purchasing AptBee IoT hardware devices, please contact AptObject Corporation.www.aptobject.com